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Select Poems of Ron Lampi

We, The Aquarians

1997 Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

All that is hidden is to be revealed

We, the Aquarians, Water Bearers of a new Millennium, we pour forth all that was hidden, repressed & forgotten in the Waters of Pisces

We pour forth the ancient archaic occult wisdom two thousand years hidden & repressed in the self-forgetting Waters of Pisces

We pour forth two thousand years of suppressed Goddess pagan Earth-born wisdom of soul flowing centuries underground in the self-denying Christian Waters of Pisces

Into Air

We pour astrology, Kabbalah, tarot, numerology, alchemy, geomancy, divination, dowsing, witchcraft, magic, all the old lore

What was hidden

What is hidden

Into Air

We pour forth our heretofore untold academic-obliterated history, our come-to-light alien origins, obscured dawn-of-history Bible-condensed & distorted stories of superbeings who birth our civilizations & through Ages watch over us & control us

We pour forth all divine revelations of all times & places, Lao Tzu, yogi Hindu, Krishna, Buddha, Hermes Thrice Greatest, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, of Zen, Sufi, Gnostic, Ascended Master, teachings brought forth from dogma-adulterated Piscean Waters to pour anew transformed through Vision

We pour forth native tradition wisdom of peoples mysterious disappeared or genocide slaughtered, wiped out, a remnant surviving sharing protectively old tribe riches

Into Air

We pour stories/legends/myths/poems/prophecies of Sumerians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Chinese, Indians, Tibetans, Hebrews, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Christians, Celts, Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Hopi

All that was hidden/is hidden revealed to us we reveal

pouring secrets of Sphinx, Stonehenge, Nazca, of pyramids Egypt & Mexico, of ziggurats, temples, pueblos, sacred mounds, stone monoliths, petroglyphs silent testimony

From the Waters into Air

We, the Aquarians, we pour forth conspiracies & behind-the-scenes controlling powers threading through the Ages, of priesthoods, dynasties, Church, bankers, secret societies, secret orders, secret governments, whoever are secret Controllers of this Earth

We pour forth naming names in Brotherhoods, Vatican, Masons & Freemasons, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Round Table, Jesuits & JASONS, Skull & Bones, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, CFR, Trilateral, MJ-12

We pour forth from the self-destructive Waters of Pisces cover-ups & lies Vietnam, Kennedy assassination, radiation in guinea pig civilians, social biological agendas, AIDS, Gulf War syndrome, government drug trade, global warming, MK-ULTRA mind control projects

We pour forth investigations Roswell, UFOs in our skies, captured ETs, alien contact/abductions, animal mutilations, crop circles & pictograms, black helicopters, alien technology, underground bases, Montauk, Area 51, S-4, Moon, Mars, what was found & not told

Cover-ups, lies, disinformation, media manipulation of Air Force, NASA, FEMA, Robertson Panel, Condon Report, of DOD, CIA, DIA, DNI, FBI, NSA, NSC, NRO, the BATF

We dive into the obscuring Waters of Pisces, illusion confusing & dissimulating Neptune Waters of Pisces- We bring up to share into Air for all to see

We, the Aquarians, we pour forth our cutting edge research unrecognized, inventions & devices government suppressed, lone heroes of new energy manifesting the hyperdimensional & higher vibrational masters who work outside Establishment of medicine, institutions, schools that perpetrate Plan of secret controller elite

We pour forth our dreams, visions, inspirations, intuitions, psychic healings & precognitions, alien close encounters, out-of-body & near-death experiences, other-dimensional beings & group minds channeled, remote viewing present, past & future

We pour forth our darknesses, complexes, vulnerabilities, subpersonalities, the voices within us, giving them voice of wholeness, inner become outer, liberating the self-undermining & contradictory Waters of Pisces

We pour forth the Living Image of Higher Self, transpersonal, transtemporal, outside world, shapeshifting, divine Form of all forms we are, Fountain of boundless creativity we step into, Fire & Water we pour, the Uranian lightning Idea shattering old boundaries & seed planting the New Self

We drink of the Fountain of Living Waters

deep in ourselves, our boundless creativity

pouring forth,our endless revealing of what is revealed

We, the Aquarians, we pour forth our friendship, love of humanity, our caring & compassion in biochip lovelack world, building grassroots community of Spirit,

distrusting Plan of centralized, hierarchical, mind-controlling, secret agenda New World Order, obsolete-paradigm government

Into Air

We pour forth our communication, our truth, the Art of new mythos,

out of the rich, divine-inspired, imaginative Waters of Pisces

All that is hidden we reveal

We, the Aquarians, we pour forth the mystical Waters of Pisces

All that is hidden is to be revealed

No more secrets


To Heal the Planet

1986 Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

You who gaze sadly upon the cities of Earth-

(In mind's eye you behold ruins, corpses, shadows of death, winds of fire; already holocaust missiles claim all cities of Earth; in one half hour all that we love, lost.)

Are you contemplating a noble cause?

Is the passion of your anger a noble passion?

Do hostile voices of warmongers, the heartless & mean-spirited, anger you?

Do grunting money grubbers, jaded, do-nothing cynics, do squint-eyed fanatics alarm & anger you?

Do you mistrust governments? schools? corporations? questioning their intentions?

Do you refuse taking sides when each side makes hypocritical claim & counterclaim, self-justifying with accusations?

Can you listen to all sides as Divinity certainly listens to all sides?

Can you stand apart? stand alone? withstand criticism from all sides?

Can you mingle with & move among all people?

Can you open your heart to all people? listen to the stories of all people?

Can you spy out the ego of domination, manipulation, not taken in by their ploys?

Can you track the scent of greed, envy, resentment, the constant strategies of self-interest?

Can you resist judgement until the moment called for?

Are you always willing to speak the truth given to you?

Can you remain open, honest, patient, tolerant?

Can you face poverty, failure, isolation, misunderstanding?

Have you compassion for the downtrodden, underdog, disinherited?

Do you realize fulfillment is not guaranteed by career, money, by owning property?

Do all religions speak to you & yet none are satisfactory?

(for Divinity has made all religions today unsatisfactory)

Do I ask impossible things? Did Christ?

Were you contemplating a noble cause? Were you mistaken?

Did you assume it easy? That no requirements were expected of you?

Are you afraid to make a sacrifice? What noble cause without sacrifice?

And the greatest of sacrifices I ask-

The little self you believe you are.

Little self you are!

Self of fear, pettiness, prejudice, envy & greed

Self of Me first, self made by money, self good enough merely to get by on

Self stamped by the press of old concepts, dead culture-

This query, this call, a challenge to you, that self:

A New Self must be born if we are to heal this planet.

I say, there are those of us called to heal the planet.

You who see through world systems of death, you who live in imagination the holocaust already, you who already mourn our cities of Earth-

Will you meet the challenge? Will you meet the challenge?

Will you let the saving power of Spirit come through?

Will you help to heal the planet?

I call you, I call you:

Together, let us heal the planet.

Let us together heal the planet.



1984 Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

Through the ages many spoke of faith, preaching the importance of faith, the power of faith, the faith that moves mountains-

Preachers who preach faith, I come among you,

I also preach the cause of faith; but this I must tell:

No secondhand faith of doctrines & dogmas satisfies me, but only faith original & faith primal, the open stance taken before any system, doctrine, or dogma, the open stance before all, most fundamental-

Only to what firsthand comes toward you is it answerable.

This faith I speak of, discovered & practiced, all who willingly stand & surrender themselves in the Opening can discover & practice-

This faith you know, firsthand you know when you see

When you see upon the farthest horizon the most formidable dark mountain now bursting into light coming toward you

When you see day & night the signs & omens of cloud & wind & shooting star & strange atmospheric apparitions coming toward you

When you see Sun & Moon & planets rising & setting in a previously unheard-of cyclical Melody coming toward you

When you see smiles of unknown men & women you casually encounter on the streets coming toward you

When you see children & youth, minds fresh & chock-full of still unanswered questions coming toward you

When you see birds from all directions, travelling from across the globe with marvels of answers streaming from their beaks coming toward you

When you see banners of new insights, discoveries, poems, songs, pictures, realizations, achievements coming toward you

When you see singers & dancers & musicians gathering for the great performance of a New Age inaugurated coming toward you

When you see ancient books, the hidden arcanum, the arts of wisdom, lost for centuries coming toward you

When you see old saints, prophets, Self-Realized Masters, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Krishna, Buddha coming toward you

When you see a tiny yet blinding star from a billion

light years away coming toward you

When you see Death transformed into the most beautiful dancer coming toward you

When at night the owl circles above you

When money no longer enslaves you

When time is no longer an ontological calendar of despair & anguish

When things no longer happen out of mere haphazard coincidence because you are going out,out toward the Seed of Self divine, out toward a Vision of New Life to you revealed-

When such a Vision is coming toward you

When such a Vision magnifies the power of your eyes that you see all these things & more coming toward you

When such a Vision addresses precisely you every minute of each day

When you give yourself absolutely to the Vision given to you

When in your heart this Vision is absolutely second to none

When this, your future, your New Life, in a new world at one with the Face of Living Light is coming toward you because you are going out toward it-

When you see your life transforming before your very eyes

This is the sign of Faith!

This is the work of Faith!

This, my people, and not doctrines & dogmas at secondhand, is the discovery of true Faith!

This is Faith!


The Transformer

1991 Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi


Who gazes into night & a new intelligence in the stars can see?

Who stands open to inspiration to receive what launches peoples into futurity?

Who absorbs age-old tradition, ancient arts of wisdom, the Earthwide panoply of cultures, but says, I am not a puppet of the past,

I am not a hand-me-down child of other peoples & cultures-

I recognize all, absorb all, but what I absorb I transform.

Who says, I do not accept what lies dead at my feet-

Let the old God be dead, for new Divinity will live through me!

Let the dead return to the soil & enrich the soil-

Who says, I love enrichment of the soil.

Whose feet are planted firmly upon the body of Earth, who absorbs Minerals, Air & Water, Fire of Sun, whose essence of Self is seed of the new Tree?

Who says, I attune myself to a new Spirit coming among us,

I attune myself to the superconscious energies of Neptune, Pluto & Uranus,

I attune myself to the Milky Way galactic influx of new intelligence.

Who says, Through me the new Vision of Ages manifests its evolutionary intention-

All I absorb is made new through me.

Who says, I am a transformer!

I transform my conditioning, my complexes & fears & insecurities into strengths & psycho-spiritual tools of Psyche.

I transform the woe-is-me, whining voice of my sufferings into the Story of my struggles.

I transform decadent & dying culture into new riches to be shared.

I transform old obscured ways into a new path shining in the Labyrinth.

I transform the barrage of daily impression into insight, unconnected information into knowledge, stale doctrine into living wisdom.

I transform the art I work in, the childhood religion I outgrew.

I transform the self I was.

Who says, I am a transformer!

I transform the past into a Vision of futurity!

Who says, I extend my hand to others & freely offer them the fruits of futurity!


I Celebrate the Lightworker

1998 Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi


Is there a new profession under the Sun?

From ancient callings through long history converging this day,

I celebrate a new calling today, a calling evolutionary & noble,

of the highest Ideal,

a calling going out to all who taste the taste of Light divine,

who now in your hearts dedicate yourselves lifelong

to be workers of Light divine-

The Lightworker I celebrate, you I envision before me-

For your effort, in your own individual way, cupping your hand to taste the taste of Light divine,

I honor you as you face the challenge of this day, you no longer guess & hedge & slink back to conventional securities.

What courage this compact you make with Self to bring the gift of Light to this planet, in this decadent, declining, material-shackled, Postmodern chapter of our history-

You, the Lightworker, with passionate aspiration, you bring the Vision of a New Age before the disillusioned, disoriented, media-drunken masses fed daily on confusion

You, the Lightworker, engaged in inner labor without guarantee of outer

reward, you dedicate yourself to the soul labor of self-transformation

You, the Lightworker, willing to step into the cruel & callous & cynical,

sharp-toothed-&-clawed social arena

You, the Lightworker, guiding Light into the body with hands of etheric

healing energy, clearing & opening auras & chakras, healing nerves

& muscles & bones, you draw energy down into tissue & even cell

You, the Lightworker, listening with Light & talking Light into shadowy

& tenebrous corridors & recesses of self, you counsel & support

& encourage others on the Path

You, the Lightworker, focusing Light through cards, numbers, colors

& crystals, planets & signs, you skilled yourself at seeing into Time

You, the Lightworker, medium of Light, channeling Light in hushed rooms,

clairvoyant with Light outside limitations of 3rd density continuum,

you help others to peer outside into the Larger Self

You, the Lightworker, schooled in the Light of wisdom traditions taken

to heart, now the itinerant teacher sharing the honey of Light

You, the Lightworker, embodying Light into works of visionary art, you

revitalize our profane culture with Spirit, you are herald of the Mythos

of the New Age dispensation

You, the Lightworker, wanderer of worlds, incarnate from elsewhere, you

realize in your essence after struggle why you are here, what Mission

on this planet among planets in all the far-flung star systems & galaxies

& other dimensions

You, the Lightworker, in contact with other intelligence, you face unjust

ridicule yet prepare our people, you grope with new concepts to wrench us

from its-time-is-up established paradigm, shifting us into new

consciousness, inviting the agents of our evolution to draw


The New Age calls its workers of Light-

Heralds, harbingers, guides, beacons, healers, transformers,

teachers & visionaries,

you see the veils of separation & ignorance, of mental perception,

falling away,

you share Light to help make Earth whole, to help birth New Being-

I celebrate you, Lightworker, at this threshold of a New Millennium!

I celebrate all of you, Lightworkers, who open doors

into the New Millennium!


It is Time

Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

It is time we all learn from the butterfly,

this beautiful, fitful creature

that so unpremeditatively graces our eyes--

We are fat on the leaves around us;

grown sluggish, haven't we eaten enough?

Oh, some of us are in chrysalis already--

It is time then we metamorphose further

It is time we go all the way

It is time we lighten up

into a new element

It is time we feed on nectar

It is time we show our color

It is time we master the Air

as the butterfly

so gracefully and playfully

is adept

of the ways

of Air--

It is time we all learn from the buttefly

It is time we turn outward our inward beauty.


To Heal the Planet

1997 Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

You who gaze sadly upon the cities of Earth-

(In mind's eye you behold ruins, corpses, shadows of death,

winds of fire;

already holocaust missiles claim all cities of Earth;

in one half hour all that we love, lost.)

Are you contemplating a noble cause?

Is the passion of your anger a noble passion?

Do hostile voices of warmongers, the heartless & mean-spirited,anger you?

Do grunting money grubbers, jaded, do-nothing cynics,

do squint-eyed fanatics alarm & anger you?

Do you mistrust governments? schools? corporations? questioning their intentions?

Do you refuse taking sides when each side makes hypocritical claim

& counterclaim, self-justifying with accusations?

Can you listen to all sides as Divinity certainly listens to all sides?

Can you stand apart? stand alone? withstand criticism from all sides?

Can you mingle with & move among all people?

Can you open your heart to all people? listen to the stories of all people?

Can you spy out the ego of domination, manipulation, not taken in by their ploys?

Can you track the scent of greed, envy, resentment, the constant strategies of self-interest?

Can you resist judgement until the moment called for?

Are you always willing to speak the truth given to you?

Can you remain open, honest, patient, tolerant?

Can you face poverty, failure, isolation, misunderstanding?

Have you compassion for the downtrodden, underdog, disinherited?

Do you realize fulfillment is not guaranteed by career, money, by owning property?

Do all religions speak to you & yet none are satisfactory?

(for Divinity has made all religions today unsatisfactory)

Do I ask impossible things? Did Christ?

Were you contemplating a noble cause? Were you mistaken?

Did you assume it easy? That no requirements were expected of you?

Are you afraid to make a sacrifice? What noble cause without sacrifice?

And the greatest of sacrifices I ask-

The little self you believe you are.

Little self you are!

Self of fear, pettiness, prejudice, envy & greed

Self of Me first, self made by money, self good enough merely to get by on

Self stamped by the press of old concepts, dead culture-

This query, this call, a challenge to you, that self:

A New Self must be born if we are to heal this planet.

I say, there are those of us called to heal the planet.

You who see through world systems of death,

you who live in imagination the holocaust already,

you who already mourn our cities of Earth-

Will you meet the challenge? Will you meet the challenge?

Will you let the saving power of Spirit come through?

Will you help to heal the planet?

I call you, I call you:

Together, let us heal the planet.

Let us together heal the planet.


UFOs in our Skies

1986 Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

I speak about UFOs-

It is a deeply serious matter;

ask the secret government-if you can-

how serious a matter.

It is time to cut out the lies

They are real. They are here. They are in our skies.

They are the greatest question mark of our age.

Intelligence-high intelligence-everywhere is indicated.

Who are they? Where do they come from? Why are they here?

The questions of 50 years to this day unanswered.

Many have theories. Some think they know.

Contactees make claims, abductees remember (telepathic told),

channels bring voices of ET through (claim to-) & how many are ready

prepared to face

hitting us in our essence

this paradigm-shattering, epoch-making, civilization-changing,

future-projecting, consciousness-shifting, mind-twisting, beyond-

what-we-can-conceive-of, complex-beyond-anything-we've-known,

bizarre-to-the-extreme, dangerous & thrilling, reality-stretching,

this phenomenon unexplainable we have called since 1950s

the Unidentified Flying Object

the UFO, the Spanish OVNI

I write the mythos of this mystery

It comes through me

I am called to speak it

obsessed man I am

since 1990



the UFO I saw was key to the Aquarian dispensation

living symbol of our Age

bridge between inner & outer

aka flying saucers, flying discs, flying cigars, flying triangles

& boomerangs, ET ships, mother ships, plasma ships, alien craft,

interdimensional craft, glowing spheres & globes, balls of light,

lights in the sky

seen by millions

the last 50 years

all over the planet

It is time to face up

People see them. People talk with them. People contact them.

However you name them-

The extraterrestrials, ETs, inter- & other-dimensionals, alien beings,

the visitors, Space Brothers, Space People, Space Beings,

beings of Light, angels, the non-human Other, Other Intelligence,

how many races, orders of beings, who can say how many there are,

how many are here...

And there is definite purpose here-

This is no coincidence & no mere observation,

something about us, this planet, this time, this cusp of Ages,

a Story is in the making here & they play the essential outward role-

There is no doubt, we are in crisis on this planet,

and in one way or another, for one reason or another,

other intelligences know it.

What might they want of us?

To control & take over? To help us? guide us? catalyze us

in our evolution? In someway to prepare us for the great harvest?

the next level?

Whatever the agenda, whether we understand or not,

the non-human Other has made its appearance

we see the signs in the skies

Those who witness them remember-

It does something to you, it overwhelms you, changes you,

you are never the same, at the very least impressed for life

in awe, fear, wonder, perplexity, confusion, exhilaration,

disorientation, revelation, epiphany, transformation

The perspective grows cosmic

though some cannot handle it, but repress it, it is too much, too much

It is challenge of highest order for the human soul to assimilate

It is the greatest official denial of our age.

But the time for cover-up is up-

We are not alone.

There are Others,

& not simply out there

millions of light years away,

but here, among us

And who are we? What origins have we? Why are we here?

Know this, we are the Earth being of spiritual nature

half animal/half divine

& into Spirit we evolve

Age by Age

planetary cycle by planetary cycle

The UFO has come & appears in our skies,

pointing the way to the future of our species-

The ET sudden appears before the experiencer,

is mirror of our own consciousness transformation.

No matter what the agenda, their appearance is gateway,

opening us to realms of the greater cosmic community.

They wait for us

We, too, will share in the same realms,

participate in the other dimensions-

The UFO calls us to Aquarian Ascension

To You Who Multiply

1997 Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

To you who multiply the enormous riches

of Spirit upon Earth-

To you who write, who paint, who scultp & sing

To you who act, who play, who dance & make music

To you who propose ideas never before considered,

who sketch out new theory, who model the new material miracle

To you who venture courageously toward new experience,

who study as of yet unexplainable phenomena

To you who explore, who experiment, who push limits

of personality & life-style beyond others

To you who reach out to others your hand of diplomacy, peace & compassion

To you teaching & aiding & healing others

To you dedicating yourself to generations to come

To you doing the work of manifesting Spirit,

doing what I could not do & never do,

more than one alone could ever do,

but together pouring forth a cornucopia of creative energy & accomplishment-

Know this, I applaud you, encourage your endeavors,

I am only one individual sharing my Vision,

casting its Uranian light on all you do.

Silicon Wafer

Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

This is the new transubstantial body

of sacrament,

what Ms. Albert & Mr. Zak

-even Sunday's family-partakes of

so fervently,

filing to the altar of the monitor,

electro-pulpit of the video screen.

Printed chips linked up, billions cut

from the great Silicon Wafer,

endlessly duplicated...

This, the new Host of hosts:

Metallic look-alike disc, shiny-sided,

mirror-sharp, brittle as the old communion wafer,

breaking cleaner than glass, feather-light,

semiconducting, medium perfect for multi- chemical coating,

the intricacy of mazework of microcircuitry,

to wire up and rule the world.

This, the miracle of Silicon Valley,

bread of the new, universal communion,

accomplishing what neither church nor temple,

given centuries, could accomplish:

the netting of all nations into one fold.

It is the Vision of high-tech,

the great, sleepless dream of Technos:

This is my body. Take it, and divide it,

a trillion ways among the nations,

that a new covenant will bind

the generations.

The World is Mad with Technos

Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

Who looms ominous over the body of Gaia?

Metal extendable hands prying open the lush vulva of Gaia-

Who since 17th Century monomaniacal Descartes & Newton mind matter

clockwork dogma-Laplace took to logic conclusion & biochemical

brain doctors still subscribe-who since rules?

And secret global powers of military high-tech corporate control raise up

in board room worship & plot destiny of billions of human souls-

Who does world worship more than Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Shiva?

Who shining titanium sheathed? Who titan of brave new microchip world?

All hail, Technos!

Technos, the new Superpower of Earth! bigger than America,

swallowing the UN, shrinking the planet!

Technos crisscrossing the skies in contrail self-proclaiming banners:

I am the new Superpower!

All hail, Technos! Technos rules!

Technos on streetcorner, Technos in jungle, Technos at North Pole

Technos old industry, Technos post-industry, Technos social engineering

Technos highways, Technos in the office, Technos for the home

Technos plastered all over media orgy 24 hours a day

Technos doctors, Technos managers, Technos generals, Technos police

Technos multi-appendages plowing & draining & drilling & cutting,

leveling all to common denominator

Technos brain tanks calculating & analyzing & projecting & managing, executing its Plan

Told we were in 50s childhood,

Technos can do all things

Technos is mighty

Technos will save us

Praise Technos!

& the wonders of Technos!

Technos in capsules & tablets, Technos liquid in a bottle

Technos in cereal, Technos in soup, Technos in instant drink

Technos making babies, Technos on the phone, Technos banking,

Technos while you sleep

Technos adventure, Technos recreation, Technos fashion,

Technos sound & Technos rock

Technos missiles smart as eagle eye

Technos in sex orgasm on command

Technos altered viruses for genecide conspiracy

Technos in computer-video classroom, no more teacher

Technos in finance consultation deciding your fate

Technos in cyberspace Internet wired up RAM-powered kids

Technos footprints left in Moon dust

Technos sending human ego greeting beyond solar system

To what end?

Will we be allowed

in outer space to extend?

20th Century is ad & commercial for Technos,

billboard for Technos, Web site for Technos,

to this day still,

Technos will save us

Technos will save us

Understand America,

Technos alone will not save us

Technos will enslave us

Technos will command implantable biochip unleashed armies upon the nations

Children already held up & sacrificed in computer-driven rituals,

their mindsap spilled out on the altar of the monitor

Soon, cyborg children of no memory will roam the streets

Our citizens barcode wristed & ELF psychotronic mind altered

Technos satellites will know where you hide

Earth's secret rulers secretly cloned could rule forever

Virtual reality replaceable reality of choice

Gaia ravaged and barren, every inch Technos

All obedient to Technos

and no place for Psyche

But where danger is

grows the saving power also*

In what Age Aquarius year will Psyche

face off with Technos?

When Technos bow before Psyche,

admit equal?

When Technos and Psyche

a divine syzygy


1997 Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

All Poems Copyright © 1999 by Ron Lampi

* Friedrich Hšlderlin

Published by: THE LAMP, 309 Jessie St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060, (831) 425-0121

Other works by Ron Lampi now available:

The Secret of the Sun: A Vision 1977

The Golden Thread 1978 / 1988

The Lessons of Psyche (poems) 1983-1987

The Birth of Psyche & other poems 1982-1988

Children of No Memory (a performance poem) 1989

A Television's Last Day (a performance poem) 1989

The Cruz & other poems 1988-1990

The Great Santa Cruz Mountains Earthquake (poems) 1989-1990

A Divine Psyche Manifesto (a poem) 1990

The Tail of Hale-Bopp, a poem chronicle 1997

Through The Labyrinth, A Guided Astrological Meditation 1997

Lamp Light, a selection of short poems compiled 1998

The Crop Circle Mystery, a poem chronicle 1998

Photons (a collection of aphorisms) compiled 1999

More Lamp, miscellaneous, uncollected poems compiled 1999

Bay of Monterey (poems) 1983-1999