
It's now,

it's here,

it needs


Volunteers Wanted for the Aquarian-Age

We are asking individuals and groups to volunteer their time towards promoting the Aquarian Age. We need help organizing our Aquarian Age 2001 Conference, so those with organizing experience are urged to contact us. We also need help publicizing the Aquarian Age. This is a world wide effort, so we need individuals and groups to contact us and coordinate their efforts with ours.

We also need help with our web page, especially the events section which needs input and updating. As we approach the beginning of the Aquarian Age, we invite social action groups and environmental groups to publicize the Aquarian Age as a time when we can join together to preserve the natural environment and bring human rights to the peoples of the world. In these uncertain times we need to turn to each other to find a concensus and plan actions that will furthur world peace. Each of us has our own talents and ways to contribute to this great effort, so we invite each of you to do what you can to bring in the new age.

After the new year several groups have said they will help promote our global peace meditations. We hope to coordinate with diverse groups who share our goals. Each of us can reach out to others who want a better world and start meeting to discuss what we can do together.

We all have personal priorities, but if we can join with our family and friends as well as neighbors and members of our communities, we can turn the Aquarian Age into a world-wide celebration. There are so many issues to resolve, and so few people to work out the logistics. Although we are a non-profit group, we are trying to reach out to others who may have nothing more than time to contribute.

Some have said that the Aquarian Age has already begun or will begin sometime in the next six hundred years, but the real issue here is that we need to make a fresh new start in the coming millennium, and after the apocalyptic fevor has faded we need to get down to the business of making this world a better place. The Aquarian Age has its share of naysayers and disbelievers, but call it by another name if that gives you leave to do good in the world. We don't have to follow any particular religion or calendar in order to work to improve the world.

We don't expect the heavens to open up and angels pour forth when the Aquarian Age begins. Some of our personal opinions and ideas could be called "fringe topics" by many people, but in a world that respects the rights of others to have their own opinions, that should be OK. This isn't a religious movement, so people of any religious belief can contribute to making the new age a good one. Waiting for someone else to do it for you may not help much.

Some people have difficult situations that are intolerable, and the international community can't do much for them as yet. As individuals we can only do so much, but as a worldwide community we may have the opportunity to help others in need by bringing hope and the message that we are trying to make life better for everyone. Some of the articles presented might be considered spiritual, but we also need to promote social issues such as universal health care and adequate food and security for all of humanity.

If you are in the San Francisco California area, we invite you to meet with us and volunteer your time, but if you are elsewhere we encourage you to form your own Aquarian Age action groups and coordinate with us. We hope that this web site will give you the information you need to explain to others what the Aquarian Age is and what each of us can do. Thank you for your consideration.

Lance Carlyle Carter